Feature Subject: catalogue checking solution

01 February 2022 by Mat Oram

It might not be spring time just yet, but as the evenings begin to draw out, the start of a new calendar year certainly presents an opportunity for a spot of spring cleaning. 

Our catalogue checking solutions are now operational in two NHS Integrated Care Systems, with a third ICS following closely in their footsteps and planning to go live this quarter. 

It’s vital that catalogues contain accurate information because it ensures that you have flexibility and control across many aspects of procurement, from analytics right through to P2P. 

We know managing a catalogue is not an easy job, with common issues surfacing such as out of date pricing, errors in classification, inconsistent naming conventions and mixed or incorrect units of measure, to name a few. But with some catalogues holding more than 100,000 lines, where do you start? 

That’s where our solution can help. Our catalogue analytics can import data from catalogue providers (for GHX users it’s automated through our partnership), and compare it with Purchase Order and Inventory Management data to provide accurate insights into where there are differences. 

The solution has transformed how existing customers manage their catalogues and saved money. Could we do the same for you? Contact our team to find out more support@adviseinc.co.uk

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